United Baptist Church Youths Fellowship
16 George Rd,Hatfield
25 February 2010
District Chairperson/Secretary
Greetings in the mighty name of our Lord and Almighty Jesus Christ, Amen. We are writing to update and inform you about a few things especially about the 2010 Annual Youths Conference
On our January meeting we agreed that this year’s conference will be at Biriri High School and starts on the 21st of April, as on the calendar, the guest speaker is Rev Mabhena, of Marondera UBC and the theme verse is Joshua 1 verse 3-lets all pray for God to use our speaker in a mighty way. The change was after taking into consideration our financial position as UBCYF(please analyse the treasurer’s Financial report handed to all delegates on our January meeting).
There is also the usual annual youth assembly which, as you are aware , is a business meeting that is held every time a day before the Annual Youth Conference, this time on the 20th of April .We expect delegates from each district(delegates should be 2 youths from each local church,one from each preaching point and all district committee members)and PLEASE bring 30 copies of district reports.
Food pledges
We are again encouraging that district committees help us ask for food pledges for the conference. Please send the list of pledges to us as soon as possible-some districts are doing great there-may God bless you, please send the list of pledges by the 30th of March-and the food should be submitted to NYEC on the 21st of April 2010.
Contributory Fee
Contribution fee for this conference is 2us$(20rands)for those youths who are form six and below-and 5US$(50rands)for those who are school leavers or have gone past form 6. All youths will be allocated rooms and get food after paying these fees-we suggest that the district committees send us the list of youths attending so that our ushers allocate you rooms before the conference-it will save you time when you come on the 21st
Music Competitions
We have given all the interested districts the set-piece and we also organized a coaching clinic for them, thank you so much for attending. Our coach on the January meeting will also be our adjudicator-like last year.
We also thank Baba G Kombo, Bhaffaloe Hardware MD, for the support that he renders to us through sponsoring the music competitions. Lets pray for his business-such generosity is really to be appreciated by us.
As you are aware, our office ends on the 31st of April 2010 and we should elect a new committee that runs from May till April 2012.Please may all districts submit the nominations of the office bearers to the Youth Director ,you can email at youthsdirector@yahoo.com or please communicate to him through his 011315854 to make arrangements on how to send the nominations-we agreed on our January meeting with all districts that the nominations be received by the youth director by the 31st of March 2010.
Directors’ Welcome Ceremony
We also agreed that on our next youth conference we welcome our Youth Director(Rev Mazorodze), we are going to include that in our conference programme, all districts will get at least 3minutes for them to present their present and welcome speech to our Youth Director-lets arrange presents as individuals and districts for the Youth Director.
As is now our custom, we have written below the moneys received by us from districts since May 2009 todate
Mutare $525
Chimanimani $150
Rushinga Nil
Harare North $750
GwandaWest Nich Nil
Harare South $175
Midlands Nil
Bulawayo $160
Chipinge $325
Masvingo Nil
Save $150
Chiredzi Nil
Kariba Nil
Mt Darwin Nil
Marondera Nil
Mhakwe $60
Ndima $125
Rusitu $135
As you can see, most districts have not paid even a cent and no district has paid half its budget. Please may we all pay our budgets every month-a good tip in paying up budgets is to pay a little every month rather than trying to work so hard the last two months-please may all district committees fundraise through budget allocations to locals and other fundraising strategies/activities. We are really in great need of cash as UBCYF-to fund our conference and other youth programmes.We applaud Harare North for having paid a higher % of their allocated budget this year than any district
We are planning that we buy our PA system in South Africa end of March-the Director shall combine this with meetings in Pretoria and Johannesburg where he will meet with the Youth Pastor& Director of Central Baptist Church and Baptist Union-the meetings have already been scheduled and will also be attended by bro Petros Mungana-we thank you so much for the PA system pledges, send them to us by the 20th of March please
We thank you so much for your cooperation and commitment-may we as leaders lead by exmple in our speech, love, conduct, purity and faith in all that we do in our districts
Yours in Christ,
_________ __________
Petros Mungana Misheck Mlambo
Secretary-UBCYF Chairperson-UBCYF
Youth Director
District Pastors
Head Office
Report to UBCZ Vice Chairman
DATE ; 15 MARC 2010
Here is a report from UBCYF for the three months ending March
As per our letter to you,we met as UBCYF NYEC and district reps on the 29th and 30th of January and deliberated about the 2010 Youth Conference. This year we again agreed that the speakers be all from our church and they are ;
*Rev Mabhena-main Speaker,Rev Muripo,Ev Mukama,Rev Chingovo,Mrs Mahubo and Rev Muyambo-they have all been approached already. We have also invited the Youth Director of Central Baptist Church(Pretoria) to be one of the Speaker
And the theme is from Joshua 1verse 3.I also emailed you about our January meeting agreement to change the venue from Harare to Biriri,same dates. We will send you the conference programme within the next three weeks. You are also on the programme on Friday in the evening. Please be there then
As youth we agreed to organise a welcome ceremony for our youth director at the next Annual Youth conference-we have arranged that every district gets time to give a brief speech and present their token of welcome to the director. We are inviting you to this programme which will be done on Saturday afternoon starting at 3pm.
We have managed to visit all our districts with the exception of Kariba. We managed to meet youth-especially the district youth committees, we are enjoying good communications with our districts. Workshops shall also be planned for the district youth committees in future
We are encouraging our fellow youth to pay up budgets-we have also paid a bit of our levy to Head Office-we pledge to pay our levy to you as UBCYF-we will do better.
We are planning to buy our own PA system as we have informed you before. This will be combined with a trip to South Africa where there will be a meeting with Central Baptist Church Youth Pastor in Pretoria,Pastor Quentin Saunders,and the Youth Director for the Baptist Union of South Africa(Pastor Tony Christian).We should be having the PA system by the next Annual Youth Conference.
We are sending you the draft constitution for approval in May-this will be after the Youth Assembly in April-all youth have been consulted.
We have bought the farming inputs needed to kickstart the Youth Farm project.We have bought fertiliser and seed enough for the project, they are being stored at the farm now-we shall work out the logistics about labour. It should also be reported to you that Mr G Muyambo allowed the youth to cultivate on his land-the “Youth Farm’ is actually his farm that he allows us youth to use.
We have appointed a subcommittee being headed by bro Mungana to work towards the farm
**Buying a PA system when the director and youth secretary goes to SA.
Yours in Christ
Misheck Kugodah Mlambo
UBCYF Youth Chairman
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