Thursday, September 9, 2010




APRIL 2010

1. Name of the Project : UBC YF Project
2. Type Of Business : Cooperation
3. Status of Project : Non Existent needs Funding
4. Type of Business : Poultry and Agriculture
5. Location Area of Business : Nyakamba Chimanimani
6. Postal Address : 10 Cripps Road, Palmerstone Mutare
7. Telephone ( Business) : +263 913 765 198,0912 551 432,0914 307221
8. Contact Details/ Postal Address : National Youth Executive Treasurer
Content Makumbe
100 Third Street, Mutare
9. Email Address :
10. Total Cost of Project : USD 1650
Owners Equity : USD 0
Loan Required USD 1650
11. Project Committee : Mr Gwinyai Muyambo( Supervisor)
Petros Mungana
Content Makumbe( Treasurer)
Nicholas Dube
Innocent Dube

To be a leading provider in Chicken and other Agricultural Products owned by UBC Youth Fellowship in Manicaland and Zimbabwe as a whole as well as alleviating poverty by creating employment to youths in Zimbabwe

Mission Statement
The Poultry Project goal is that of a multi-fated success. Our first responsibility is the financial well being of the business. As well we will meet this goal while trying to consider the effect of our products as well as customers satisfaction, the Impact of our practices and choices will have on the environmental and the high quality of attitude, fairness, understanding and generosity between management, staff and customers and suppliers. Awareness of all these factors and the responsible actions that result will give our efforts a sense of purpose and meaning beyond our, basic financial goals. Would also ensure use of local raw materials and practice good business ethics

Future Plan
If the project is meeting its projection by month, 12 we will be scouting for a second premise and develop plans for the next unit. Our two-year goal is to have at least two big fowl runs, which can accommodate more than 10 000 chickens and a Purchase of a van, as well as diversifying into selling of rearing of chicken layers. Also our main goal is to have a combined Annual output of between USD 5000 to USD 10 000

United Baptist Church Youth Fellowship project will be an Association, which will be owned by UBC YF youths, under the close supervision of the Farm Committee, with National Youth Executive Committee having overall responsibility. All the minimum legal requirements will be done, and we will plan to buy a shelf company. However, we have recently talked to the Managers of Bhafaloe Hardware, Mutare farm Suppliers, Farmco on the issue of supplying us with some inputs and they confirmed that they will constantly supply us with the inputs so that we can effectively run this poultry project. Our Fowl runs are currently located at Mr and Mrs Gwinyai Muyambo (our senior youth) farm in Nyakamba-Chimanimani area, and it will be on free basis.

The main aim of starting this business is to reduce financial burdens from our districts, and be financial stable as United Baptist Church Youth Fellowship as well as Creation of employment as well as alleviating poverty amongst Youth in Zimbabwe. We have therefore thought of starting this poultry project so that we assist youth activities and assist in meeting youths objectives.

United Baptist Church Youth Project will be selling both dressed (packed) and undressed chickens, selling of chicken cutlets, gizzards Chicken Liver, Chicken feet, chicken heads and in the long run we will engage in selling of stock feeds, chemicals, eggs, rearing of chicken layers. We will definitely diversify as soon as we start making profit. We are going to be serving small markets, and we will offer door-to-door delivery services, which are normally ignored or by passed by other giant producers who are already in the market. Our chickens will be branded and this will occur when we start making positive returns or profits.

We are at UBC YF project we want to ensure both Customer and Supplier satisfaction, and we would ensure that there will be a decreased number of unemployment rates of youth in Manicaland and Zimbabwe as whole, and this will move a long way in alleviating poverty and decrease cases of youth engaging in to anti-social practices within youth members

Our customers will be local residents of Mutare, Manicaland, Non Governmental Organisations (Windows of Hope, Pro-Active against Aids Trust and Governmental Organisations, Mission Schools, Secondary and Primary Boarding, Football Clubs (Mutare United), Restaurant and Hotels owners, United Baptist Church of Zimbabwe, Butcheries etc
We have ready suppliers who will be supplying us with the required inputs and raw meterials.some of suppliers who have confirmed to supply us include Bhafaloe Hardware,Mankep Hardware,Farm-Co,Bafs Hardware,Agri-Foods,GMB,Premier Company,Pulmcob Enterprises and other company who are promising to work with us.

According to the research carried by the project supervisors, many people in Zimbabwe due to electricity shedding and power cuts opt to take and cook chicken as relish for their meals than meat, because it gets ready easily and it does not consume lot of energy e.g. Firewood. More so many existing companies of chickens do not serve smaller markets, and they do not advertise their products so that it would sound cheap to them, but we as United Baptist Church Youth Farm will try to take advantage of other producer’s weaknesses to penetrate into the market and make profit. We are also targeting the historic 2010 World Cup, and we have planned to supply chickens to local hotels,lodges,and resturants.We do really have a vision to make huge profits by offering high quality chickens, offering efficient and good effective marketing services.

Customer will be assured quality services and their needs will be fulfilled. We will be operating uniquely and customers will be given a chance to view out their interests so that we can operate to suit their interests to achieve customer satisfaction.

All in one, we do not have capital of USD 1650 to effectively expand the project. We also intend to open a Current Account so as to keep safe our monies and check the cash inflow and outflows, as well as doing monthly audits as well as assessments of the project, one of the

The Supervisors has experience in Poultry Management and the other in Human Resources Management, we really have the confidence that the project will be effectively supervised and managed.

Our business Advisor is Mr. G Muyambo who is the owner of Nyakamba Farm and has great knowledge in poultry production, will assist in thus project.

2. Background and Start up Summary
According to the recently published statistics from the Government, about 87.5% of youths in Zimbabwe are Unemployed and dependant on elderly people. In addition, according to research in United Baptist Church of Zimbabwe youth department about 95% of the youths are unemployed and are facing difficulties in raising youths budgets due to unemployment. We have come together as a Committee so that we can effectively start this project so that we can make profit as well as create employment to other Youths as well as other people in Zimbabwe. We are also finding

difficulties in accessing monies to engage into other projects as well as honor some of our scheduled plans due to black of funds, this project will go a long way in improving the standard of living of both Zimbabwean youths and us (the owners). We are going to gain famous as United Baptist Church Youth Fellowship, and we will evangelize in and around Zimbabwe due to the effectiveness management of the project

We have also thought of starting this project to fulfill the Socio-economic and Religious needs of the Youth group. We have also find that in United Baptist Church youth and Zimbabwe as a whole there are a number child headed families, high rates of orphans and the vulnerable Children, so we intended to support these people in the community so that they will be treated as first class citizens not second-class citizens.

We are also youths out of school and the Income Generating Project will go a long way into assisting us, especially in creating employment for us since we will be workers and self employed.

We also attended a seminar on entrepreneurship, we were encouraged to start the project, we were given the basic types of projects youths can start, and we came together as youths and decided to
Start this chicken project as our main aim is to raise profit, encourage use of local technology, create employment, elleviate poverty as well as adding of value to Zimbabwean Youth. We also intend to fulfill organizational needs as well as get status in the country as youth. We will also assist the country in raising revenue through paying tax thus in the long run.

3. Market Summary
3.1) Product and Services
United Baptist Church Project will be selling Dressed and Un-dressed Chickens, Gizzards, Liver, Feet, head. We will be.
We will be offering door-to-door services, and we will serve smaller markets, which are ignored by big companies. Our products will be packed with well-labeled plastics, and the chickens will be of high quality

All this can be effectively done when the project receives funding and we get work started. Chicken rearing is easy to start with, the ideal knowledge we have and the energetic youths the owners of the project who are willing to work.

3.2) Production
We will be initially holding the project at Nyakamba in Chimanimani, about 120 Kilometers away from the Central Business District, but soon the production will take place in Mutare City if we find suitable premises and we effectively expand and we will make sure that there is a continuous and constant supply of chicken and we will be producing the chickens in a 3 week interval. Some of the chickens will be dressed and other will not be dressed. Cutlets will also be sold, and we will do the dressing at B&C Investments, and we will do the cuttings, Mr Content Makumbe and Mr. Gwinyai Muyambo the project supervisor(s) have ideal knowledge in dressing chickens and it wouldn’t be a problem, all this will be done at the premises of operation. Hygiene will be greatly maintained and there will be strict standards of sanitation, quality production and presentation or packaging of products.

3.3) Service
There will be three ways customers can buy, they can visit the premises and make direct selection of the products they want, we can also offer a door to door delivery of the products, and we can use our agents to sell the products that is butcher companies which are properly positioned and would attract many customers-that is the business people who will come to buy our products/chickens because they are mature and our services are efficient and the prices will be affordable.

Our key suppliers will be
 Bhafaloe Hardware Private Limited
 Mutare Farm Suppliers
 Farm and City
 Mainkep Hardware
 Agri-Foods Pvt Ltd
 Farm-Co Trading
 Pulscomb Trading-Harare
 Chinyika Chicks-Mutare
 Suncrest Private Limited
 Mutare Farm Suppliers

Our customers will be Church Organizations like United Baptist Church of Zimbabwe during their Annual 5 day Revivals, United Baptist Church Youth Fellowship Conferences, Mutare United Football Club, Restaurants Owners, Couples about to Wed, Non Governmental Organisations e.g. Windows of Hope, Mission Schools( Biriiri High and Rusitu High),Wholesale owners, Supermarket owners e.g. Mr. Jiyamwa, and other potential customers.. More so some of our potential customers and they are promising to buy chickens as soon as they get ready for sell.

The supervisor made a direct interview with one of the Administrator and Team Manager of Mutare United Football Club Mr. Bera, and he said’ they normally buy 15 Chickens every week when soccer players go for camping’’.
Many organisation who sell chickens, ignore smaller markets, and they do not offer door-to-door services to customers, and also they do not do promotions and they do not advertise their products.

We also talked to Mr. Misheck Mlambo the Field Officer Windows of Hope and he again promised to buy 50 birds of chickens from us every holiday camp, and during any seminars they hold at their organisation
Lastly, we made a long chat with the Managing Director of Zvirimugwara Restaurant and Dangamvura Hotel Mr. Clemance Duri and he has confirmed that he will buy at least 150 birds of chickens from UBCYF farm as soon as they get ready anytime

This has given us the confidence and zeal to engage and expand into this Poultry project, because there is ready market.

Entry into the market should not be a problem. The Project has high visibility with heavy foot traffic all day long and also the Location of the business is well known, and the project owners have in-depth knowledge in chicken rearing and have been at their homes at small scales We also have an Project advisor who will be advising us in the chicken rearing project and the advisor has been known for scooping the Manicaland Farmer of the year awards ( Mr. Gwinyai Muyambo, and we can also use this penetrate into the market. The local residents and other people always support new youth business people, and USD 15-USD 20 will be set aside for pre-advertising and public relations campaign.

Even though our products will be unique and we have ready market, we will effectively market our produce in the following ways:
 Printing of Pamphlets
 Advertising in the Local newspaper
 Personal as well as Postal Marketing
 Direct Advertising

In future, we do anticipate doing advertising campaigns and even advertising in the Television as well as designing an advertising magazine

5.2) Pricing
To have a favorable profit margin United Baptist Church Youth Farm will make a thorough research and check the prices of other producers and retailers and will have average pricing policy against those of the competitors as well will offer quality chickens as to compete with other competitors on quality and services, each chicken will cost USD 6

No credit shall be offered, we will be operating on cash and carry basis

Although the poultry production is challenging and a bit competitive more, more producers have fewer resources, and they operate unprofessionally, trends are very important, the farm is well positioned and will be operating professionally, and the prices will be moderate.
The project members carried out a feasibility study in and around Manicaland Province to see our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity and Threats (SWOT) Analysis and came up with the following

6.1) Strengths
 We are strong and energetic youths willing to work at the project, and have ideal knowledge in Poultry Production
 We have an Advisor who has great knowledge in Chicken Rearing Projects and has been coming the Farmer of the year in Manicaland province
 The project will work closely with specialist in Livestock production, notable the division and veterinary services
 The Business is effectively positioned and will attract many customers, thus business people who will come to buy our products
 All legal documents are available and we will be operating legally
 A market research was effectively done, and we have ready suppliers and customers willing to support us
 Location of the project is very strategic, there is ready market and good communication and transport networks
 We will be producing unique products
 The project gets its main strengths from the current shortage of protein sources, particulary meat.

 The project cannot safely predict the trends in feed availability in projected years
 The project can not accurately predict the future trends due to unavailability of loyal customer
 We do not have capital to effectively expand and kick start the project. There are also well established companies who can manage to finance themselves, which include SunCrest,irvines Marecha Chicken Producers, Chinyika Chickens, pa Simango chicken producers- they are relatively big and well established, but we will try to market our products and try to bit competition, we shall market our products in the Manica Post if we get funding

 Well-established farms/companies ignore smaller markets, and we at UBC YF Project will try to serve both smaller and bigger markets. We also have an opportunity to sell Chickens to our Church Organisations, Church Revivals Our Mission Schools e.g. Biriiri High, Rusitu High, Rusitu Hospital, Church organizations like Windows of Hope, Football clubs –Mutare United and Gaza Gunners, Highway Football Clubs, Potters Restaurant.
 The farmers also has the opportunity to obtain a market for giblets, manure and furthers thus getting extra revenue

6.1.4) THREATS
 We do not have capital to effectively start this Chicken Rearing Project
 Disease outbreaks in large herds can be very detrimental although a flock healthy programme will be strictly followed.
 Stock theft is currently rife and posses a threat to the business, although tough security measures has been put in place to combat this threat

All in one, our weaknesses are going to be our strengths, and we hope we will effectively operate towards our Vision

About Five Major Chicken providers in Manicaland area sell chickens. Although this presents an obvious challenge in terms of market share, it also indicates the presence of a large, strong potential. The newest competitors have made their success entry based on an innovative concept or novelty. UBC YF will offer an innovative product in a familiar style at a completive price. Our aggressive plans of door-to-door delivery will also give us an advantage to create a good Market share before the competition can adjust or similar concepts appear.

There are 3(three) major ways in which we will create an advantage over our competitors these include
• Product identity, quality and novelty
• High employee Motivation and Good sales attitude. –we will be going to give our workers food Hampers after every 3 months of full operation
• Door to door delivery, as well as packing of other chicken parts/cutlets
• Strong Pre-advertising campaign

An investigation was carried out by the Farm Supervisor with other Traders in Mutare and some parts of Zimbabwe on the average cost of a standard of a dressed Chicken and he came with following information

 Standard dressed and Un-dressed Chicken of about 2 kgs cost USD 6 to USD 6.50 in Manicaland and some parts of Zimbabwe as whole,( that’s where market is)
 A below Standard Dressed and Un-Dressed Chicken of.less than 2 kg’s cost USD 5

Therefore at UBC YF Project we are going to be rearing and producing Standard Chickens and it would be costing USD 6 this price include all direct, indirect costs and an overhead absorption basis used is based on Direct labor Cost.
No Credit facilities shall be offered and a discount of 2% on Bulky Purchases of more than 300 chickens will be given to potential customers.

 UBC YF will employ 2 workers in the 3rd month of operating, and the other personnel are owners of the project, and are involved in the day to day operation of the business
 Employees will be motivated and will given all minimum operation requirements of the Job
 No discrimination shall be practiced and proper recruitment channels will be followed, there will be an Equal Employment Opportunity for every youth.
 A Pay structure and Salary structure will be introduced after operating and after making profit, the
 The project committee of the company are highly trained in will be used to make the operation of the Business a success.

 This will be one of the supervisors who will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the project and he over sees the operations every employee. He does the following duties
 review of Lease agreements
 Reports to the National Youth Executive Committee
 Oversee entire transformation and operations of the organisiation
 See to it that rentals are up to date
 Final approval of purchases and any deals legal deals which affect the organization
 Involved in recruiting of employess,and practicing good employment practices

1.2 Treasurer/Accounts Clerk
 This will be also one of the project supervisors and will be responsible for the cash inflow and outflows of the projects proceedings. He is also responsible for purchasing of all materials required, and calculation on salaries and wages. He however reports directly to the Supervisor
 Responsible for banking of organisation funds, as well as doing all financial transactions of the organisation
 Has to be a signatory of every bank account opened by the organisation
 Asses the financial well being of the project

 S/he is responsible for feeding chickens
 Sees to it that chickens are safe and number tallies with that of the Log book
 Does any other duties assigned by the managing director
 Writing a monthly reports of the proceedings at the fowl run


The Business Proposal, Financial and SWOT analysis indicate that this project is viable provided good management is practiced. Good Management will be assured since technical advice will be readily available from Livestock specialist and veterinarians from governments departments.

The project will also go a long way in assisting the smooth financial flowing of UBC YF activities.

i. The Financial analysis indicates that the project is technically viable
ii. The project being in the best interest of the UBC YF members and will be set to get enough support from other stake holders

10. Financial Analysis and Plan
Details of the financial requirements and operations are clearly elaborated in the attached cash flow. The whole loan plus any interest accrued shall be fully repaid within 6 months from the date of borrowing.
• Gross Margin analysis and Break-even price
The Gross margin analysis and Break- even price are in the cash Flow
Gross Margin -refers to the difference between the projects gross income and all expenditures. It is generally referred to as profit
Break-even Price refers to pricing that will just get the project into neither a loss nor a profit position. Given this definition comparing the calculated break-even prices and the actual prices of broilers, this project will have a great room for profitable pricing

The Return per dollar values indicated in the cash flow show that this project is highly viable. This figure sometimes expressed as a percentage, is the amount of profit gained for every dollar invested. The figures indicate that the proposed venture will be able to generate substantial profit, which will enable it to repay the loan advanced.


( USD)
Broiler Chicks 300 $0.90 270.00
Stock Feeds 25 bags $26.00 650.00
Chemicals - $ 100 100.00
Feeding Equipments 20 $5.00 100.00
Structures/Fowl runs upgrading 300.00 300.00
Communication/Airtime 20 1 per Juice Card 20.00
Transport and Hiring - $20 per Delivery 20.00
Advertisement - 30.00 30.00
Labour 2 Months $40per Month * 2 Workers 160.00

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Letter to Districts

United Baptist Church Youths Fellowship
16 George Rd, Hatfield

10 June 2010

District Youth Chairperson/Secretary
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour,Jesus Christ, Amen.
We thank God much for the new youth year which has just begun and are expecting our youth to work for the Lord even more this year than last year.
The Finance Committee met and deliberated about budgets, it was agreed that the budgets this year be as below:
District Amt(US$) District Amt(US$) District Amt(US$)
Mutare 1 500 Chipinge 700 Chimanmani 1 040
Hre North 1 500 Bulawayo 700 Mhakwe 800
Hre South 1 500 Save 350 Rushinga 150
Rusitu 800 Ndima 700 Marondera 300
Kariba 50 Midlands 400 Masvingo 200
Gwanda/West Nich 200 Chiredzi 150
As you can see,we have allocated districts less amounts than last year, this is so that we could all pay up our budgets, those who attended the National Youth Assembly got from our Treasurer our Financial position , we are always in the red and should really start working hard on income generating projects-as some districts are doing ie Chimanimani and Harare North.We have agreed that all districts pay half their budgets by the 31st of November.
We also failed to give Biriri High School any money for accommodation/use of the venue-this is contrary to what was agreed between us and Head Office concerning use of our church premises-we should rectify this within the next 6months ie paying a considerable amount of money to thank Biriri High for hosting us. Next time we think that we may need to charge a bit more as conference contribution fees than the 2us$ that we were charging-pitifully few people paid us$5, some youth were cheating too, we will work with the district committees to let them own up the difference of US$3.
Quarterly Reports
This is particularly for you district committee members, just a reminder, may you please send us a quarterly report every 3months ie end of July,end of Oct, end of January and April.The reports should be send to us by email or post, please liase with us and make sure that your district is not left behind-we also report quarterly as UBCYF to Head Office and it is important that district youth committees become responsible about reports.
The reports should show statistics , financial report ,plans for the year, challenges and any achievements so far.
PA System
As you are aware, NYEC has got plans to buy a P.A system for the youth-we have received pledges from some individuals and some districts-we are still appealing to all districts to send us any pledges they may have-we thank districts like Rusitu, Mhakwe, Chipinge for sending us their pledges-please may the others try to raise something towards the PA system-we are sure that with God, we will surely buy this PA system this year.
As you are aware, at our last national youth assembly we agreed that we are now sending the final,draft constitution to Head Office. Head Office will send the copies to locals awaiting the National Church Assembly, we will amend the constitution if they point to us any anomalies especially consistency of our youth constitution in relation to the church constitution. We thank all committees(past and present),districts and individuals who took part in this constitutional amendment process-as you are aware,the constitution is for us and we all have to take part
Minutes of last Meetings.
Minutes of the January youth meeting with districts are out as well as our last national youth assembly. We regret that we cant send hard copies to you because it involves a lot of photocopying-we have constitutions to photocopy as well as these letters. We have attached the financial report to you on this report.
We will send you the hardcopies of the minutes to you soon as we get some money but we have send all districts with email addresses the minutes and constitution copies. This is a sure sign to us that we as UBCYF have to do better, far much better in our finances.
Our Youth Centre
We agreed as a youth assembly that every youth pays $2 which will go directly towards the youth centre. We are kindly asking all district committees(through the local committees) to ensure that every youth member in the district pays $2, this should be forwarded to the respective treasurers till it gets to the National Youth Treasurer, by the 25th of August(remember that it was actually an initiative from you so please lets all own up, every youth)-PLEASE ensure this is done
We have always received complaints from some youth that NYEC does not communicate regularly, we have always explained that we are sending letters/updates every 3months and these letters are getting to the district youth leaders, we therefore urge district youth leaders to please disseminate any information that we send to all local churches in their districts-we used to read correspondence from NYEC to all the youth in youth gatherings-please do the same. As NYEC we shall always send you letters every 3months, as before. We also are appealing to all districts to send us(NYEC) the names of your new district committees and contact details ie phone numbers and emails-please may all districts send this information by the 15th of July.
Our UBCYF official emails email addresses are and, we check these emails daily. You may also send reports through your Pastors, we will arrange to collect the letters if they are in the Pastor’s custody if you tell us.

Once again, we want to thank you all for the amazing trust that you have on us-we feel so humbled and at the same time proud of you, may God continue to bless UBCYF and may we all move together as one-especialy now more than before(Romans 4v32...with one accord).

Yours in Christ,

Content Makumbe Misheck Kugodah Mlambo
National Youth Treasurer National Youth Chairperson Cc
District Pastors
Head Office
Youth Director

Friday, June 11, 2010



United Baptist Church Youths Fellowship
16 George Rd,Hatfield

10 June 2010

District Youth Chairperson/Secretary
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen.
We thank you God much for the new youth year which has begun and are expecting our youth work even more this year for the Lord than last year. We also are appealing to all districts to send us(NYEC) the names of your new district committees and contact details ie phone numbers and emails-please may all districts send this information by the 15th of July.
The Finance Committee met and deliberated about budgets, it was agreed that the budgets this year be as below:
District Amt(US$) District Amt(US$) District Amt(US$)
Mutare Chipinge Chimanmani
Hre North Bulawayo Mhakwe
Hre South Save Rushinga
Rusitu Ndima Marondera
Kariba Midlands Masvingo
Gwanda/West Nich Chiredzi
As you can see,we have allocated districts less amounts than last year, this is so that we could all pay up our budgets, those who attended the National Youth Assembly got from our Treasurer our Financial position , we are always in the red and should really start working hard on income generating projects-as some districts are doing ie Chimanimani and Harare North.We have agreed that all districts pay half their budgets by the 31st of November.
We also failed to give Biriri High School any money for accommodation/use of the venue-this is contrary to what was agreed between us and Head Office concerning use of our church premises-we should rectify this within the next 6months ie paying a considerable amount of money to thank Biriri High for hosting us. Next time we think that we may need to charge a bit more as conference contribution fees than the 2us$ that we were charging-pitifully few people paid us$5, some youth were cheating too, we are working with the district committees to let them own up the difference of US$3.
Quarterly Reports
This is particularly for you district committee members, just a reminder, may you please send us a quarterly report every 3months ie end of July,end of Oct, end of January and April.The reports should be send to us by email or post, please liase with us and make sure that your district is not left behind-we also report quarterly as UBCYF to Head Office and it is important that district youth committees become responsible about reports.
The reports should show statistics , financial report ,plans for the year, challenges and any achievements so far.
PA System
As you are aware, NYEC has got plans to buy a P.A system for the youth-we have received pledges from some individuals and some districts-we are still appealing to all districts to send us any pledges they may have-we thank districts like Rusitu, Mhakwe, Chipinge for sending us their pledges-please may the others try to raise something towards the PA system-we are sure that with God, we will surely buy this PA system this year.
As you are aware, at our last national youth assembly we agreed that we are now sending the final,draft constitution to Head Office. Head Office will send the copies to locals awaiting the National Church Assembly, we will amend the constitution if they point to us any anomalies especially consistency of our youth constitution in relation to the church constitution. We thank all committees(past and present),districts and individuals who took part in this constitutional amendment process-as you are aware,the constitution is for us and we all have to take part
Minutes of last Meetings.
Minutes of the January youth meeting with districts are out as well as our last national youth assembly. We regret that we cant send hard copies to you because it involves a lot of photocopying-we have constitutions to photocopy as well as these letters. We have attached the financial report to you on this report.
We will send you the hardcopies of the minutes to you soon as we get some money but we have send all districts with email addresses the minutes and constitution copies. This is a sure sign to us that we as UBCYF have to do better, far much better in our finances.
Our Youth Centre
We agreed as a youth assembly that every youth pays $2 which will go directly towards the youth centre. We are kindly asking all district committees(through the local committees) to ensure that every youth member in the district pays $2, this should be forwarded to the respective treasurers till it gets to the National Youth Treasurer, by the 25th of August(remember that it was actually an initiative from you so please lets all own up, every youth)-PLEASE ensure this is done
We have always received complaints from some youth that NYEC does not communicate regularly, we have always explained that we are sending letters/updates every 3months and these letters are getting to the district youth leaders, we therefore urge district youth leaders to please disseminate any information that we send to all local churches in their districts-we used to read correspondence from NYEC to all the youth in youth gatherings-please do the same. As NYEC we shall always send you letters every 3months, as before.
Our UBCYF official emails email addresses are and, we check these emails daily. You may also send reports through your Pastors, we will arrange to collect the letters if they are in the Pastor’s custody if you tell us.
Once again, we want to thank you all for the amazing trust that you have on us-we feel so humbled and at the same time proud of you, may God continue to bless UBCYF and may we all move together as one-especialy now more than before(Romans 4v32...with one accord).

Yours in Christ,

Content Makumbe Misheck Kugodah Mlambo
National Youth Secretary National Youth Chairperson
District Pastors
Head Office
Youth Director

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

2010 Annual Youth Conference Programme

United Baptist Church Youth Fellowship

Annual National Youth Conference
“Pawatsika watora”
Joshua 1v3
Guest Speaker:
“Rev Mabhena”
Marondera UBC

Wednesday 23rd April
1400 Arrivals & registration
1730 Supper time
1900 Praise singing HRE South
1930 Welcome, Roll call, Introductions Secretary
1955 Official opening Director
2005 Welcome Choir… Mhakwe YouthChoir
2010 Worship singing Worship Team
2025 Guest Speaker:
“Pawatsika watora”” Rev Mabhena

2125 Announcements & Close Secretary

Master of Ceremonies :
Batsirai Mahoso

Thursday 24th April
0600 Morning Devotion Rev Mkama
0700 Breakfast
0830 Praise singing, Save
0900 Worship Worship Team
0915 Windows of HOPE
1100 Break
1115 Expanding our Borders Rev Chingovo
1230 Lunch
1400 Praise Singing Bulawayo Youth
1425 PASSSION for God’s work Rev Muripo
1545 Guest Musician vaManyeruke
1630 Director’s Objectives Yth Director
1720 Supper
1900 Praise singing Rushinga Yth
1920 Youth Advisor M&F Advisor
2000 Guest Speaker:
“Pawatsika watora” Rev Mabhena
2130 Testimonies All
2145 Announcements & Close Secretary
Masters of Ceremonies:
0600 Nelson Vhukani
0900 Rhoda(Mhakwe)/Rose Rutanhira
1400 Brian Taputsa/Godfrey Chimana
1900 Content Makumbe/Inah Timire

Friday 25th April
0600 Morning Devotion RevManyumbu
0700 Breakfast
0815 Praise Singing Mhakwe Youth
0830 Speaker-Own Topic Pastor Q Saunders
1015 Ruiyano&Vakweyi Ruiyano/Vakweyi
1045 Guest Musician vaManyeruke
1115 Projects&Financial Self-Reliance Rev O Tapera
1215 Lunch
1400 Praise singing/ Announcements Chipinge
1430 UBCYF Annual InterDistricts SPORTS Batsirai /Tugwell
1730 Supper time
1900 Praise singing Chimanimani & Midlands
1930 General Remarks NYEC
1945 UBCZ Head Office Rev Chibinjana
2020 Guest Speaker:
“Pawatsika watora” Rev Mabhena
2130 Announcements Secretary
Masters of Ceremonies:
0600 Prince Muusha/Mike(Gwanda)
0900 Jabulani Mukotsori/K Biriwasha
1400 Bro Munya-Rushinga
1900 Chiedza(Save)/Tapererwa(Hre)
Director of Social Responsibility-

Sunday 27th April
0700 Sunday Service Rev Munedzi
0900 Breakfast & Departure
---The end----
Masters of Ceremonies:
0700 Incoming NYEC Chairperson

**Guest Choir is Chimanimani
**Other choirs will be getting in here and there before/after speaker
**Competitions will start earlier this time
**B Mahoso&Duncan for Games, Collen Mkondomi for music

---May God bless UBCYF abundantly---

Saturday 26th April
0600 Prayer, Fasting &Giving” Mrs Rev Mahubo
0700 Breakfast
0830 Spiritual Gifts Rev T Myambo
1000 Musician vaManyeruke
1015 Speaker Pastor Q Saunders
1115 Director’s Welcome Chairperson
1215 LUNCH
0400 Praise and Worship Ndma/Rusitu
1430 Pinning Ceremony NYEC& YthDirector
1530 Pawatsika Watora” Rev Mabhena
1730 Supper
1900 Praise and Worship
0730 Presentations, ClosingRemarks& Vote of Thanks NYEC
0750 UBCYF Annual Choral Music Competitions Director of Music
Masters of Ceremonies:
0600 Thomas Marijeki/Nicholas Dube
0815 Bro N Karidza
1400 Ammiel Manyumbu
1900 Freedom Mwatenga
2030 Collen Mukondomi{Director of Music}
Director of Games & Fellowship = Tugwel Chadyiwanembwa


United Baptist Church Youths Fellowship
16 George Rd,Hatfield

25 February 2010

District Chairperson/Secretary

Greetings in the mighty name of our Lord and Almighty Jesus Christ, Amen. We are writing to update and inform you about a few things especially about the 2010 Annual Youths Conference

On our January meeting we agreed that this year’s conference will be at Biriri High School and starts on the 21st of April, as on the calendar, the guest speaker is Rev Mabhena, of Marondera UBC and the theme verse is Joshua 1 verse 3-lets all pray for God to use our speaker in a mighty way. The change was after taking into consideration our financial position as UBCYF(please analyse the treasurer’s Financial report handed to all delegates on our January meeting).
There is also the usual annual youth assembly which, as you are aware , is a business meeting that is held every time a day before the Annual Youth Conference, this time on the 20th of April .We expect delegates from each district(delegates should be 2 youths from each local church,one from each preaching point and all district committee members)and PLEASE bring 30 copies of district reports.

Food pledges
We are again encouraging that district committees help us ask for food pledges for the conference. Please send the list of pledges to us as soon as possible-some districts are doing great there-may God bless you, please send the list of pledges by the 30th of March-and the food should be submitted to NYEC on the 21st of April 2010.

Contributory Fee
Contribution fee for this conference is 2us$(20rands)for those youths who are form six and below-and 5US$(50rands)for those who are school leavers or have gone past form 6. All youths will be allocated rooms and get food after paying these fees-we suggest that the district committees send us the list of youths attending so that our ushers allocate you rooms before the conference-it will save you time when you come on the 21st
Music Competitions
We have given all the interested districts the set-piece and we also organized a coaching clinic for them, thank you so much for attending. Our coach on the January meeting will also be our adjudicator-like last year.
We also thank Baba G Kombo, Bhaffaloe Hardware MD, for the support that he renders to us through sponsoring the music competitions. Lets pray for his business-such generosity is really to be appreciated by us.

As you are aware, our office ends on the 31st of April 2010 and we should elect a new committee that runs from May till April 2012.Please may all districts submit the nominations of the office bearers to the Youth Director ,you can email at or please communicate to him through his 011315854 to make arrangements on how to send the nominations-we agreed on our January meeting with all districts that the nominations be received by the youth director by the 31st of March 2010.

Directors’ Welcome Ceremony
We also agreed that on our next youth conference we welcome our Youth Director(Rev Mazorodze), we are going to include that in our conference programme, all districts will get at least 3minutes for them to present their present and welcome speech to our Youth Director-lets arrange presents as individuals and districts for the Youth Director.

As is now our custom, we have written below the moneys received by us from districts since May 2009 todate
Mutare $525
Chimanimani $150

Rushinga Nil
Harare North $750

GwandaWest Nich Nil
Harare South $175
Midlands Nil
Bulawayo $160
Chipinge $325
Masvingo Nil
Save $150
Chiredzi Nil
Kariba Nil
Mt Darwin Nil
Marondera Nil
Mhakwe $60
Ndima $125
Rusitu $135
As you can see, most districts have not paid even a cent and no district has paid half its budget. Please may we all pay our budgets every month-a good tip in paying up budgets is to pay a little every month rather than trying to work so hard the last two months-please may all district committees fundraise through budget allocations to locals and other fundraising strategies/activities. We are really in great need of cash as UBCYF-to fund our conference and other youth programmes.We applaud Harare North for having paid a higher % of their allocated budget this year than any district

We are planning that we buy our PA system in South Africa end of March-the Director shall combine this with meetings in Pretoria and Johannesburg where he will meet with the Youth Pastor& Director of Central Baptist Church and Baptist Union-the meetings have already been scheduled and will also be attended by bro Petros Mungana-we thank you so much for the PA system pledges, send them to us by the 20th of March please

We thank you so much for your cooperation and commitment-may we as leaders lead by exmple in our speech, love, conduct, purity and faith in all that we do in our districts

Yours in Christ,
_________ __________
Petros Mungana Misheck Mlambo
Secretary-UBCYF Chairperson-UBCYF
Youth Director
District Pastors
Head Office

Report to UBCZ Vice Chairman

DATE ; 15 MARC 2010
Here is a report from UBCYF for the three months ending March
As per our letter to you,we met as UBCYF NYEC and district reps on the 29th and 30th of January and deliberated about the 2010 Youth Conference. This year we again agreed that the speakers be all from our church and they are ;
*Rev Mabhena-main Speaker,Rev Muripo,Ev Mukama,Rev Chingovo,Mrs Mahubo and Rev Muyambo-they have all been approached already. We have also invited the Youth Director of Central Baptist Church(Pretoria) to be one of the Speaker
And the theme is from Joshua 1verse 3.I also emailed you about our January meeting agreement to change the venue from Harare to Biriri,same dates. We will send you the conference programme within the next three weeks. You are also on the programme on Friday in the evening. Please be there then
As youth we agreed to organise a welcome ceremony for our youth director at the next Annual Youth conference-we have arranged that every district gets time to give a brief speech and present their token of welcome to the director. We are inviting you to this programme which will be done on Saturday afternoon starting at 3pm.
We have managed to visit all our districts with the exception of Kariba. We managed to meet youth-especially the district youth committees, we are enjoying good communications with our districts. Workshops shall also be planned for the district youth committees in future
We are encouraging our fellow youth to pay up budgets-we have also paid a bit of our levy to Head Office-we pledge to pay our levy to you as UBCYF-we will do better.
We are planning to buy our own PA system as we have informed you before. This will be combined with a trip to South Africa where there will be a meeting with Central Baptist Church Youth Pastor in Pretoria,Pastor Quentin Saunders,and the Youth Director for the Baptist Union of South Africa(Pastor Tony Christian).We should be having the PA system by the next Annual Youth Conference.
We are sending you the draft constitution for approval in May-this will be after the Youth Assembly in April-all youth have been consulted.
We have bought the farming inputs needed to kickstart the Youth Farm project.We have bought fertiliser and seed enough for the project, they are being stored at the farm now-we shall work out the logistics about labour. It should also be reported to you that Mr G Muyambo allowed the youth to cultivate on his land-the “Youth Farm’ is actually his farm that he allows us youth to use.
We have appointed a subcommittee being headed by bro Mungana to work towards the farm
**Buying a PA system when the director and youth secretary goes to SA.

Yours in Christ

Misheck Kugodah Mlambo
UBCYF Youth Chairman

Financial report