Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Youth Conference 2009 Pictures


Veteran Gospel Musician MECHANIC MANYERUKE peforms at the 2009 Conference.
UBCYF Conference

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

NETWORK / PARTNERSHIP > Meeting with Pastor Saunders in Pictures

The National Youth Executive Committee (NYEC) managed to meet the Central Baptist Church Youth Pastor (Pretoria) Quentin Saunders on the 25th of Sept in Pretoria.Above is Pastor Saunders with Rev. Maphosa and NYEC Chairperson Misheck Muyambo.

Friday, September 4, 2009

From The Chairpersons Desk

1.0 Introduction
1.1 It is my pleasure to present to you this report ,please note that from Jan-March was not much activity save our meeting in January, conference preparations and visits to districts by the NYEC.

2.0 Youth Statistics&Programmes
2.1 Youths members of the UBCYF todate, statistically, are around 4 000.

In January we managed to hold a meeting with districts(delegates) from 10 districts namely Mhakwe, Rusitu, Chipinge, Marondera, Harare North, Harare South, Mutare, Save , Chimanimani and Ndima. The meeting was mainly to talk about the Annual Youth Conference and related issues,at the meeting it was agreed that;
 We ask head Office that we start conference by our usual general assembly on Tuesday the 21st
 The Guest Speaker is Rev Zunga-he has agreed, them is from 2Kings 6&7
 The conference will be at MTC again this year
 The nominees for the post of Director be sent to Head Office-and ask them if they could appoint the Director by the conferences dates that will be great.
We managed to hold a Music Coaching Clinic for the districts that will compete at the conference Music Competitions.

 Plans
As NYEC members we wish to improve on visitations to the districts which we represent ,to encourage them to pursue and meet our key objectives on all the programmes that they do.
2.2 Our Objectives also shape our plans and activities as highlighted below;
We developed objectives in five (5) broad categories, namely: -
2.2.1 Evangelism – We intend to evangelise through Evangelism Crusades-we did one successfully at Bikita fashu Minerals in November-plans are that we do one in Chiredzi by year-end.
2.2.2 Fellowship – We sought to promote fellowship, first amongst ourselves and secondly with other groups that share similar bases of faith as we. We will start by inviting some other youths groups in our programmes-however the youths groups shld have the basis of faith similar to ours
2.2.3 Social Responsibility – Recognizing the importance of making an impact in the communities in which we exist, we sought to promote this responsibility amongst our members. Sadly though, this idea is still new to most of us thus we have taken a decision to have a full-scale launch of Social Responsibility at our forthcoming Annual Conference in April 2009 through cleaning the Sakubva rank
2.2.4 Financial Self-Reliance – Our youth group’s culture is characterized by struggling and dependency. We will keep encouraging our youths to work towards paying up our budgets
2.2.5 Spiritual Maturity – We think this is the most important of them all – local church Pastors, advisors, elders e.t.c. really need to help us there-youths need constant mentoring, all districts to be encouraged to hold youths revivals, conduct bible studies etc, this is very important
2.2.6 We are also planning to work closely with the Head Office -especially concerning our constitution-consulting them would help.

3.0 Requests
 That the youths levy be lowered for us-we are struggling to pay monthly-we shall pay something though, especially after the Youths Conference

In his service,

Misheck Kugodah Mlambo
Youth Chairman
United Baptist Church of Zimbabwe

18 Feb 2008

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Gender Consideration
Matters on which this constitution is silent

Our Mission
Our Objectives

Basis of Faith

Ordinary (Full) Membership
Associate Membership
Membership Oath
Youth Uniform

Youth National Assembly (YNA)
Youth District Assembly
Youth Director
National Youth Executive Committee
National Fund-Raising Committee
Audit Committee
District Youth Executive Committee
Local Church Youth Committee
Youth Advisors
Preaching Point Committee
General Guidelines in Leadership Roles

Annual Youth Conference
District Youth Revivals
Local Church Youth Revivals
UBCYF Thanks Giving
UBCYF National Day of Prayer

General Provisions and Disciplinary Measures for All Members
Disciplinary measures for office bearers

8.1 Existing Committees, Assets, and Liabilities of the UBCYF

Who Proposes the amendments
How They Are Made

General Provisions
Specific Provisions
Expiry of this Article

this constitution sets out the regulations governing the UNITED BAPTIST CHURCH FELLOWSHIP, hereinafter referred to as the UBCYF and is binding upon all groups and individuals thereof.
This constitution recognises the bible as the only law for salvation and subsequent Christian living
This constitution will not intentionally contradict that of the UNITED BAPTIST CHURCH OF ZIMBABWE hereinafter ruffed to as the UBCZ and where they may the provisions of the latter shall prevail.
This constitution supersedes any previous constitutions of the UBCYF
This constitution comes into effect from 01 January 2009.
Gender Considerations
Where words in the masculine appear, the corresponding feminine shall also apply, for example he (she), him (her), his (hers) e.t.c except where the context indicates otherwise.
1.3 Matters on which this constitution is silent
Where this constitution is silent on a matter, the committee concerned shall, in consultation with the advisors and their mother committee, decide on the observance of such matters.
This group is called UBCYF and is a department under the UBCZ. It is thus found in all areas where UBCZ exists.
The calendar year of the UBCYF shall be the same as that one of the UBCZ, presently December to November.
Our motto from 1st Timothy 4 verse 12, is `Let no-one despise thy youth, but be ye an example unto the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. `
Our youth hymnal is hymn number 63 in the Ndau Hymn book of the UBCZ.
Our Vision is `to be an exemplary youth group that focuses on fellowship and evangelism`
Our mission statement: “The United Baptist Church Youth Fellowship is a department of the United Baptist Church of Zimbabwe which subscribes to the Christian values of our ling God. We aspire to Spiritual Maturity and seek to meet the spiritual and social needs of our communities through evangelism and fellowship. We are committed to the growth of the United Baptist Church of Zimbabwe, both in Zimbabwe and in foreign land.”

2.4 Objectives
Financial Self Reliance
Social Responsibility
Spiritual maturity

Basis of Faith
Our basis of Faith is the same with that of our church UBCZ and is as follows:
WE BELIEVE IN THE DEVINE INSPIRATION AND AUTHOURITY OF THE SCRIPTURES. By this is the miraculous guidance of the Holy Spirit in their original writing, extending to all parts of the scriptures equally so that the result is the very word of God. The only infalliable rule of faith and practice. More-over it is our conviction that god exercised such care and and providence through the ages in preserving the written word that is the scriptures we now have then are in every essential particular , as originally given and contain all things necessary to salvation.
WE BELIEVE IN ONE GOD. Enternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
WE BELIEVE IN THE REALITY AND PERSONALITY OF SATAN: that he is the archenermy of God and man, that seeks to discredit and dishonour God and deceive all mankind.
WE BELIEVE THAT MAN WAS CREATED IN THE IMAGE OF GOD: that he sinned and incurred not only physical death but also spiritual death, which separation from God,that human beings are born with a sinful nature and that in the case of those who reach moral responsibility become sinners in thought, word and deed.
WE BELIEVE THAT JESUS WAS BEGOTTEN OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, and born of the virgin Mary and is true God and true man.
WE BELIEVE THAT THE LOLRD JESUS DIED FOR OUR SINS, according to the scriptures as a represenatative and substitutionery sacrifice. We believe that salvation is in Christ and his blood, and that this salvation is a gift of God, receivable through faith alone, apart from any works on the part of recipient, whose works up to the time of salvation have been “dead” and “wicked” works.
WE BELIEVE IN THE RESSURACTION OF THE BODY OF OUR LORD , in his ASCENSION to heaven, and in his PRESENT LIFE THERE for us as a high priest and Advocate.

i) WE BELIEVE THAT IT IS NECESSARY FOR ALL BELIEVERS TO MAINTAIN GOOD WORKS. And provide things honest in the sight of all man, however, not in order to be saved, but because we are saved.
j) WE BELIEVE IN THE GREAT COMMISSION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST to give the gospel to every creature in both its worldwide and local emphasis.
k) WE BELIEVE IN THAT BLESSE HOPE , THE PERSONAL AND VISIBLE (bodily) return of our lord and Savior Jesus Christ to this earth, where he will rule and reign.
l) WE BELIEVE IN THE BODILY RESURRECTION OF THE JUSTAND UNJUST, to the everlasting joy of the saved and the everlasting conscious punishment of the lost.
m) WE BELIEVE THAT CHRIST LEFT TWO ORDINANCES FOR HIS CHURCH, namely, BAPTISM and the LORD’S SUPPER. We believe that baptism is the immersion of the believer in water in the name of God Father, Son, and Holy Spirit symbolizing the believer’s union by faith with Christ in his death burial and resurrection. We believe that the Lord’s supper is the symbolic memorial feast by which we look back in faith to the cleaning blood of the cross, we look up in love to our heavenly father as we feast upon the (efficacy) of his son showing the father what we have found in the Son and we look forward in hope to our Lord’s return.
Individuals shall be members of the UBCYF by either Ordinary membership or Associate Membership as follows:
4.1 Ordinary (Full) Membership
Full members of the UBCYF are the baptized, unmarried members of the UBCZ who have not lost their virginity.
Unmarried single parents aged forty years and below, who are baptized members of the UBCZ shall be full members provided
he has willingly served and completed such disciplinary measures as the church may have imposed on him
he will not take up any position of leadership in any committee established by this constitution.
he shall be entitled and encouraged to participate fully in all UBCYF activities.
All members of the UBCYF who move from one place to another are to be in possession of transfer letters for their membership at local churches.
Associate membership
The following shall be Associate members of the UBCYF and shall be called Senior friends:

1) Baptized and unmarried members of the UBCZ above the age of forty years.
2) Married and/or wedded members of the UBCZ below the age of forty years
Associate members are free and welcome to participate fully and advice in all Youth activities However they shall not be eligible to vote or to hold any UBCYF office except where permitted by this constitution.
Membership Oath
Full members of the UBCYF and those aspiring to be full members of the UBCYF, promise to do and obey the following:
To memorise, remember and practise the youth verse and motto, which is 1st Timothy 4 verse 12
To live a holy life and to do all things in the fear of the Lord .
To be trustworthy in all that they do and work.
To work hard to spread the gospel to promote the work of the UBCYF and that of the UBCZ.
To visit all the members who are no longer attending UBCYF and church meetings regularly.
To visit members and non-members who are sick.
To exercise long-suffering, general self-control, to control our tempers and to avoid using coarse or indecent language.
To have self-respect, to respect each other and our elders.
O have one Christian girlfriend or boyfriend at a time, and to conduct such affairs in a Christian manner.
Members shall always dress decently, so that their dressing does not destroy their personal or group testimony.
To show reverence to , in and around the House of God.
Members shall not smoke or drink any intoxicating (alcoholic) substances. Members shall not take harmful drugs.
To know and do all those in things in the UBCYF constitution.
The Youth Director or when not possible, any full time pastor of the UBCZ shall read the above to full members and those aspiring to be full members of the UBCYF and following him the youths shall recite the above with their own mouths. This shall be done where possible, before the larger body of the UBCZ, at the following events:
The baptisms of those members of the UBCZ, who after the baptism, become members of the UBCYF as per section 4.1
At the start and the end of the youth conference.
At the Youth Uniforming Ceremony, by those being uniformed, before they are uniformed.
On the annual Youth Sunday, normally in September of each year.
When all new youth committees are being installed.
At the Youth National Assembly and the Youth district assembly.
Youth Uniform
The UBCYF shall have its own uniform, distinguishing it from other departments within the church and from other external youth groups.
The uniform shall be a collared T- Shirt and design(s) and or logo(s) shall predominantly feature the traditional colours of the church, i.e Red, Black and White.
The design(s) and or logo(s) or print on the T-Shirt shall be determined from time to time by the NYEC.
The uniform is to be worn only at the following occasions, and then must be worn:
At all times when the Vakweyi and Ruiyano groups of the UBCZ wear their uniforms.
During the period of the annual Youth Conference.
At the funeral of a member of the UBCYF, and the UBCZ.
At all times when youths are preaching.
Names of members to be uniformed at the annual youth conference shall be submitted at the Youth National Assembly. Members should by that time have fully paid any costs for the production of the uniform.
Names of individuals being uniformed are to be cleared as follows:
Youth Committee, Board of Deacons and Board of Elders/Pastor at local church level.
District youth Executive Committee.
District superintendent
Other than at the Annual Youth Conference, Youths may be uniformed in the district once a year, at an occasion determined by the District Youth Executive Committee provided that the District Committee has notified and obtained go-ahead from NYEC.
Notwithstanding any consideration paid for the production of the uniform, uniforms remain the property of the UBCYF and may be recalled where a uniformed member has violated any part of this constitution in their conduct, for example, section 4.1 (a) or 4.3 (a) (1) to (13).
Youth National Assembly (YNA)
Definition , Authority and Composition
This shall be the annual General Meeting of the UBCYF, held normally in the month of January.
The YNA is the highest decision making board of the UBCYF and its decisions are binding until so changed by a subsequent assembly.
The following shall attend the assembly, them being called “registered delegates”:
(i) All members of the NYEC
(ii) All District Chairpersons. Where a district chairperson cannot attend he shall delegate one member of his DYEC to attend in his place.
Two (2) delegates not members of (3)(i) and (3) (ii) above, from each local church, one of which should be a member of the Local Church Youth Committee.
One (1) delegate , not a member of (3)(i) and (3) (i) above, from each preaching point, who must be a member of the preaching point youth committee.
All District youth Advisors or their representatives.
All Pastors of the UBCZ.
The Bishop and Church Chairman of the UBCZ shall always be invited to the Youth National Assembly.
Procedure of the YNA
The Youth President or his delegate shall chair the assembly.
With the exception of the Youth Advisors and all the Pastors of the UBCZ all those listed under section 5.1 (a) (3) shall be eligible to vote.
Local churches whose budgets are not paid up, automatically lose their right to vote, but are included in the quorum.
Apart from those listed under section 5.1 (a) (3); any other members of the UBCY and the UBCZ are welcome to attend as observers. Orbservers shall attend at their own cost, shall not be permitted to vote and they shall speak only at the invitation of the chair.
Except where herein stated or where deemed necessary by the chair, voting shall be by the show of hands, on a one man one vote basis with a simple majority required to endorse decisions. The president of the UBCYF shall have a casting vote in all general matters.
Voting for office bearers shall be by secret ballot, on a one man one vote basis.
The quorum of the YNA shall be one more than half of the youth delegates due to attend the meeting.

Business of the YNA
To receive and deliberate upon the following reports and recommendations therein, and to make decisions based on them.
THE Youth Director’s report
The Youth President’s report
The Youth Treasurer’s report
The Audit Committee’s report
All district reports. Districts’ reports should be signed by the District Chairpersons, and the District Superintendant for them to be tabled before the YNA.
To elect when necessary office bearers for all National Youth Committees
To respond to any queries brought from the Districts and to conduct any other business as may arise.
Youth District Assembly
Definition, Authority and Composition
This shall be an Annual General Meeting of the UBCYF Districts, held once in the month of December and the Following shall attend :
All members of the District Youth Executive Committee
Three delegates not members of (1) (i) above, from each local church, one of which shall be the chairperson or the Secretary, and at least one shall not be a member of the Local Church Youth Committee.
One (1), not members of (1) (i) above from each preaching point.
All District Advisors, and all Pastors in the District.
The NYEC representative for that District, where possible.
The District Superintendant and the youth director shall always be invited to see these assemblies and the director shall attend where he can.
Procedure of the Youth District Assembly
The District Executive Chairman or his delegate shall chair the Assembly.
With the exception of those mentioned in sections 5.2 (a) (1) (iv) & (v) all those in section 5.2 (a) (1) shall be eligible to vote
Apart from those listed under section 5.2 (a) (1); any other interested members of the UBCYF and UBCZ are welcome to attend as observers. Observers shall attend at their own cost, shall not be permitted to vote and they shall speak only at the invitation of the chair.
Except where herein stated or where deemed necessary by the chair, votingh shall be by the showing of hands, on a one man one vote basis, with a simple majority required to endorse decisions
The District Chairperson shall have a casting vote in all general matters.
Voting for office bearers shall by secret ballot, on a one man one vote basis, with a simple majority required for a result.
The quorum of the DYA shall be at least (3/5) three fifths of the youth delegates due to attend the meeting.
Business/ Duties of the Youth District Assembly.
To receive and deliberate upon the following reports and recommendations therein, and to make decisions based on them:
The district Chairman’s report
The District Treasurer’s report
The Audit Committee’s report when available for that district.
All Local Church Reports, these must be signed by the Local chairman and the local pastor for it to be tabled before the YDA.
To review district progress and performance over the year through the above reports and to plan district activities for the coming year.
To discuss any correspondence from the NYEC and where necessary to forward questions or requests to the NYEC.
To elect office bearers for the district where necessary.
Youth Director
a) Definition and Authority
1) The Youth Director shall be the pastor in charge of Youth affairs in the UBCZ, reporting the Vice Chairman of the UBCZ.
2) He shall be a full time married male pastor of the UBCZ and shall not be affiliated to any local church in the position of local church pastor.
b) Appointment and Tenure
1) Each district will nominate among married pastors, one such pastor of their own choice from any district, and shall submit those names to the YNA.
2) The Assembly shall elect three (3) candidates in order of preference. The NYEC shall submit those nominations to the church Chairman who, together with his National committee, will appoint one of them to this position, to assume office in the January of the following year. (This being done to allow the church Chairman enough time to arrange his transfers of pastors and also to afford the new director some time to prepare himself for the unique post).
3) The term of office for the youth Director shall be four (4) years and he may be re-elected for a final consecutive term.

c) Duties and Responsibilities
1) To spearhead the mission and the work of the UBCYF in the church in terms of this constitution
2) To design programs and calendars of youth activities with the help of the NYEC.
3) To conduct the election of the NYEC when necessary and to conduct the uniforming ceremony at the annual Youth Conference.
4) The Youth Director is an ex- officio member of all committees of the UBCYF and shall attend all their meetings where possible.
5) To visit the district of the UBCYF. This shall be done at functions arranged by the respective districts who shall also fund the director’s transport and accommodation costs.
6) To present the Youth Department report to the church National Assembly. Where the director cannot for any reason present the report, the Youth President shall present it.
5.4 National Youth Executive Committee
a) Defination, Composition and Authority
1) This is the highest level of administration in the UBCYF, it shall comprise the following officers:
(i) President
(ii) Vice President
(iii) Secretary General
(iv) Deputy Secretary General
(v) Treasurer
(vi) Two (2) Committee Members
(vii) Two (2) Advisors (Mother and Father)
2) Members of the NYEC are ex-officio members of all committees of UBCYF, with the exception of the Audit Committee and shall attend their meeting where possible.
3) Members of the NYEC may not be elected in any other committee of the UBCYF, whether within or without this constitution, unless where this constitution specifically allows.
b) Appointment and Tenure
1) The NYEC shall be elected at a YNA as follows:
Each District shall nominate individuals, not limited to their district and present these to NYEC at its September meeting for consideration. Where possible nominees are to be cleared as members in good standing, and signed by the District Superintendant as evidence.
Should any nominees be rejected, the originating district shall be asked to replace the nominee.
Office bearers will be elected by the Assembly, by secret ballot, on a one man one vote basis. The Youth Director shall conduct the elections with the help of pastors there present.
2) The tenure of the NYEC, with the exception of the President shall be two (2) years, after which a member is eligible for re-election for one final consecutive term in the same or different.
3) The tenure of the President shall be four years and he shall serve one term as president. He may however be eligible for re-election in a different office after that term of office for one final term of office.
c) Procedure of the NYEC
1) The NYEC shall meet three times annually, normally in March, June, and September at which meetings any four of the youth members in the NYEC shall constitute a quorum.
2) District Committee Chairpersons shall act as non-voting representatives of their districts to the NYEC and shall therefore attend all meetings of the NYEC at their district’s expense.
Where a district chairperson cannot attend, he should notify the NYEC two (2) weeks in advance, failing which he shall be liable to a penalty fine to be determined by the NYEC.
3) Matters shall generally be decided by a consensus, any voting shall be by the show of hands, unless the president decides otherwise, with a simple majority required for endorsement. The president shall have a casting vote.
4) The secretary shall cause all districts to receive minutes of these meetings, either in their original form or in the form of a letter, within two weeks of the conclusion of such meetings.
d) Duties and Responsibilities of the NYEC
1) To see to it that the youth department is working to meet all the objectives stated in this constitution.
2) To supervise and monitor all the activities of all national and district committees of the UBCYF.
3) To assist the director in designing programs, bible studies and any other activities intended to be done by the youths.
4) To organise and run the Annual Youth Conference and the Youth National Assembly.
5) To settle matters referred to it by District committees and to refer those matters which they cannot handle to the National Committee of the UBCZ.
5.5 National Fundraising Committee
a) Definition, Authority and Composition
This committee shall be responsible for fundraising in the UBCYF and therefore shall have authority to open its own bank account with its own signatories.
(i) Chairman
(ii) Secretary
(iii) Projects Co-ordinator
(iv) Bookkeeper
(v) Two Committee members, one of which shall be a National Youth executive Youth member
(vi) Two Senior Friends
b) Appointment and Tenure
1) Districts, through their representatives to the national assembly will make recommendations of individuals for the above posts to the NYEC, which shall appoint members of this committee in consultation with the districts. Districts are to ensure that individuals nominated are willing and that they comply with section 5.5 (a) (2).
2) The appointed members shall nominate their own chairperson, Secretary and Projects Co-ordinator.
3) The term of office for this committee shall be four years.
4) The committee shall meet quarterly, before each meeting of the NYEC and the quorum at such meetings shall be any three members.
c) Duties and Responsibilities
1) To prepare the Youth budget in consultation with the NYEC.
2) To report on the financial position to the NYEC and to have their books of accounts ready and available for audit and inspection.
3) To organize the annual thanks-giving day.
4) to Organise fundraising activities including projects and to coordinate these with the districts.
5) To be the trustees of all the UBCYF properties and to keep records of such properties and to be responsible for their valuation on a yearly basis. All property bought or built by the UBCYF shall be under the control of the fundraising Committee, which shall seek advice from the church board or trustees where necessary.
6) To train all the district treasurers on mattes relating to bookkeeping.
5.6 Audit Committee
a) Definition, Authority and Composition
1) An Audit is an independent review and assessment of the state of the affairs of an organisation, with a view to expressing an opinion as to whether that body is complying with regulations which it should follow and whether the body’s records, both financial and non-financial are in good order.
2) The Audit shall therefore, have the power at any time, to audit the records and check compliance of all bodies of the UBCYF as far as the constitutional regulations and requirements are concerned. It shall report through the NYEC.
3) The Committee shall have the following four officers
(i) Chairman
(ii) Secretary
(iii) Two (2) Committee members.
b) Appointment and tenure
1) Districts through their representatives to the YNA will make recommendations of individuals of the above posts to the NYEC which shall appoint members of this committee in consultation with the districts. Districts are to ensure that individuals nominted are willing.
2) The committee shall elect its own chairperson and secretary. Where this is not possible, the NYEC shall appoint the chairperson and the secretary.
3) A member of the Audit committee shall not sit on any other UBCYF committee whatsoever.
4) The term of office shall be two (2) years and an individual may
Serve a maximum of two (2) terms.
5) the committee shall meet at least twice a year to strategise, discuss findings and consider recommendations. Meetings shall be funded by the NYEC through the Fundraising Committee.
6) There shall be an annual audit of the books of all the committees established by this constitution, at the YNA of January, after which the findings and recommendations shall be presented to the YNA. All committees are to ensure that all their books of accounts and secretarial records are brought to this meeting by their delegates.
7) Apart from the annual audit, any member of the audit committee shall have the power and authority to audit books and records of any body or bodies of the UBCYF at anytime.
Expenses for such audits shall be borne by the body or bodies concerned.
c) Duties and responsibilities
1) To check that all financial records are in order and are being kept accurately and in a presentable fashion.
2) To check secretarial records and that, minutes of meetings are being recorded and kept in an acceptable manner.
3) To ensure that all constitutional meetings had the required quorum of members in attendance.
4) To that all the committees and groups of the UBCYF are adhering to the provisions of this constitution, in terms of composition, Procedures and all their duties and responsibilities.
5) Having done items 5.6 (c) (1) to 5. 6 (c) (4) to summarise their findings and to forward recommendations on how the body or bodies being audited can be improved or what needs be done for them to be in order, and to communicate their findings and recommendations to that body and to NYEC in the form of an audit report.
5.7 District Youth Executive Committee
a) Definition, Composition and Authority
1) These shall be the highest administrative bodies in their respective districts, and shall comprise the following officers:
(i) Chairperson
(ii) Vice Chairperson
(iii) Secretary
(iv) Vice Secretary
(v) Treasurer
(vi) Two Committee Members
(vii) Two Advisors (Mother & Father)
2) The DYECs shall have authority to open and maintain their own bank accounts with their own signatories.
3) Members of this committee are ex-officio members of all local committees in their respective districts.
b) Appointment, Tenure and Procedure
1) The committee shall be elected at a DYA and a member of the NYEC shall be invited to conduct the elections or any pastor where this is not possible.
2) Local church UBCYF groups in each district will submit their nominations to the DYC, one (1) month before the DYA. Nominations must be cleared by local church pastors.
3) The term of office for the DYEC shall be two (2) years which term shall run concurrently with that of the NYEC. An individual may serve a maximum of one (1) term in the same office and in any case a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms.
4) A member of the DYEC shall not at the same time be a member of a local church committee.
5) The committee shall meet to quarterly to plan and review activities and performance of the district, at which meeting a quorum of any five(5) youth members are required. They meet at any other time as required and such meetings shall not require a quorum.
6) The DYEC shall ask any member of the NYEC, or any pastor where this is not possible, to conduct elections to fill any gaps left by District Committee members who would not be able to continue as leaders due to failure to meet the expectations of this constitution or the church constitution during their term of office.
c) Duties and Responsibilities
1) To supervise and monitor local church groups of the UBCYF in their districts and to ensure that all the objectives of the UBCYF according to this constitution are met and carried out in their districts.
2) To plan, organise and run district Revivals and other programs and activities at district level.
3) To lead and supervise elections of local UBCYF committees in their districts.
4) To work together with the NYEC and the Fundraising Committee to implement their projects or their activities in their districts.
5) To ensure that local UBCYF groups in their district follow the program from the NYEC and the Youth Director.
6) To allocate the District’s portion of the National Budget between the local UBCYF groups in their districts and to encourage local UBCYF groups to work hard to complete their budgets.
7) To provide the NYEC and the District Church Committee with their program for each year. Where any events are to be held at a local church, they shall seek permission from that local church through its pastor.
8) The district treasurer shall cause a financial report to be tabled in each quarterly meeting of the DYEC, a copy of which is also to be forwarded to the NYEC.
9) To visit local groups of the UBCYF in their districts and to encourage members in all areas.
10) Districts are free to organise inter-district events as long as they do not clash with church programs.
11) To issue quarterly reports to the NYEC on the statistics and state of affairs in their district.
12) To perform any other duties required of them by this constitution or the NYEC
5.8 Local Church Youth Committee
a) Definition, Authority and Composition
1) A UBCYF group is found where there is a United Baptist Church. The Local Church Youth Committee shall lead the group and shall comprise the following:
(i) Chairperson
(ii) Vice Chairperson
(iii) Secretary
(iv) Vice Secretary
(v) Treasurer
(vi) Two committee Members
(vii) Two Advisors (Mother & Father)
2) The local church youth committee shall have the authority to open and maintain their own bank account.
b) Appointment, Tenure & Procedure
1) Members of each local UBCYF shall elect their own leaders into office. Only full members of the UBCYF may be elected into leadership.
2) The secretary shall notify the DYEC of intended elections, which DYEC shall delegate its representative to conduct elections at the local church.
3) Nominations shall be done by the nominating committee, which shall seek clearance of all nominees from the Local Church Elders and Pastor. The Nomination Committee shall comprise the local UBCYF Chairperson and Treasurer and three members who are not members of the committee and who shall be elected by the group at the beginning of the year. The committee shall nominate a minimum of two (2) individuals per post.
4) The term of office shall be two (2) years. An individual may serve a maximum of one (1) term in the same office, and in any case a maximum of two consecutive terms, after which at least one two (2) year term must pass, before that individual is re-elected into any post in the LCYC.
5) When it becomes necessary to replace any member of the LCYC, the secretary shall request the DYEC to conduct the elections.
6) The LCYC shall meet at least once a month to plan, organise and review the activities of the UBCYF at their local church, and the quorum of five youth members is required.
c) Duties and Responsibilities
1) To spearhead all the objectives of the UBCYF in and around their local areas and communities, working with their District Committee.
2) To carry on bible studies and group discussions and teachings which encourage and edify the Spirit.
3) To encourage their youth members to read their bibles daily. The leaders should set an example of this by first doing so themselves.
4) To encourage those of their members whom they see to be backsliding.
5) To be unquestionable Christians. All that the leaders do should be one in the fear of the Lord so that they become exemplary leaders.
6) To use and follow the activities and programs prepared by the Youth Director and his NYEC through out the year.
7) To maintain healthy relations with their church and the NYEC and the DYEC.
8) To encourage their members to attend all UBCYF and church meetings, functions and activities.
9) To inform their advisors and the DYEC of all the activities they intend to carry out and of all developments in their group.
10) To inform their advisors and the DYEC of all cases of indiscipline in the group. The local group advisors shall settle these matters and shall advise the DYEC of their outcomes.
11) To lead their groups in making nominations for the DYEC and the NYEC.
12) To raise monies required for the National Budget and to send their allocations to the district treasurer.
13) To encourage and see to it that youths send their tithes to the local church at all times.
14) To work together with their church in all activities planned and organised by the church.
15) The Chairperson and the Treasurer shall deliver quarterly reports to the DYEC at least two (2) weeks before the quarterly meetings of the DYEC.

5.9 Youth Advisors
a) Definition and Authority
1) Youth advisors shall be married and wedded men and women of good Christian and moral standing.
2) The primary role of advisors shall be to act as guardians to the youth department, on behalf of the church.
b) Appointment and Tenure
1) Advisors shall be elected by the youths and not the church. Their election shall be at the same time as when the relevant youth committees are elected and their election procedures shall be as follows:
i) National Youth Advisors’ election shall be as prescribed in section 5.4 (b) (1)
ii) District Youth Advisors’ election procedures shall be as prescribed in section 5.5 (b)
iii) Local church youth Advisors shall be elected as follows
a) The members of the local UBCYF shall make nominations before the date of local church elections and from those they shall elect a minimum of two male and two female advisors in their order of preference.
b) Th nomination committee shall advise the nominees about their nomination and obtain their consent before forwarding the nominations to the local church Pastor and elders for clearance in terms of section 5.9 (a) (1)
c) If and after the advisors have been cleared the LCYC shall inform the church, through the elders, of the elected advisors.
2) The term of office for all advisors shall run concurrently with that of the committee to which they have been elected advisors.
c) Duties and Responsibilities
1) To attend all committee meetings or to delegate another parent of good standing to attend the meetings with the aim of advising and guiding the youths in all that they plan and do.
2) Offer counselling services to those individuals or couples who may require personal counselling.
3) Approve and recommend to the church those selected for uniforming.
4) To recommend to the local church those individuals requiring church discipline.
5) Local advisors are to keep a record of all youths indicating their performance, which record shall be used where any recommendations are required from the advisors.
6) District Advisors are to conduct brief workshops with local advisors at least once annually to share ideas on how best they can serve the youths in their advisory capacities.
7) to closely monitor and support the youth activities and to correct youths when they are departing from the basis of faith or the objectives of the UBCYF.
8) To follow up their treasurers and make sure that budgets are paid in time.
9) To educate youths at their revival meetings or other opportunities on issues or topics relevant to youths.
10) To accompany youths to all revival meetings or other activities, at no time should youths move without their advisors or their delegates.
11) To groom youths and prepare them to be useful members of the UBCZ
5.10 Preaching Point committee
A preaching point of the UBCZ is a new church which is not yet organised into a local church that runs its own affairs and therefore, falls under the supervision of a mother local church. In terms of section 2.1 (a) of this constitution the UBCYF is found in all areas where the UBCZ exists. Therefore at all preaching points, the UBCYF group shall exist and shall have a committee to coordinate its affairs, under the supervision of the UBCYF group from the mother local church.
a) The committee shall comprise the following:
i) Chairperson
ii) Secretary
iii) One coordinator
b) The coordinator shall be one of the two committee members from the mother UBCYF local church.
c) The coordinator will act as the supervisor from the mother local church, and he shall responsible for conducting elections at the Preaching Point and giving guidance and advice to the preaching Point committee and the youths there. He will report back to the LCYC on progress and developments at the Preaching Point.
d) The chairperson shall attend all the meetings of the LCYC of the mother local church.
e) The duties and responsibilities of the Preaching Point committee shal be the same as those of the LCYC in section 5.8(c) (1) to 5.8 (c) (15).
5.11 General Guidelines on Leadership Roles
a) The NYEC, DYEC and LCYC have the power to co-opt former members or strategic individuals for a period of time or to invite them to attend meetings from time to time in order for them to provide advice, guidance or grooming to leaders in office. In each case, the mother committee should be informed.
b) Only full members of the UBCYF can be elected into office in any committee established by this constitution, subject to the provisions of section 4.1 of this constitution.
c) A member of a lower committee maybe elected to a higher committee but not vice-versa. His position in the lower committee becomes vacant and must be filled by elections in the prescribed manner.
6.1 Annual Youth Conference
a) This shall be an annual revival meeting for all UBCYF groups and shall be held in the month of April at a venue to be determined by the NYEC in conjunction with the YNA.
b) The conference shall be organised by the NYEC, which shall seek permission to old the conference from the office of the Chairman of the UBCZ. The Chairman of the UBCZ and the Bishop shall be invited to attend the conference.
c) All UBCYF local groups shall attend the conference and shall be accompanied by their advisors and pastors, all of whose travel expenses shall be met by the local groups.
6.2 District Youth Revival
a) Districts shall organise at least two (2) Revival meetings annually, at dates and venues determined by the DYEC, which shall seek permission from the leaders of the church at which they intend to hold the revival.
b) The DYEC shall inform the NYEC of the dates and venues of all their revivals and shall invite the NYEC representative for that district to be present, at the expense of the district.
6.3 Local Church Youth Revivals
a) Local groups are free to organise revivals at any other times, provided they do not clash with UBCZ, NYEC or DYEC activities.
6.4 UBCYF Thanksgiving
a) This shall an annual event for his grace and providing during the year. It shall be held in each district, on a Youth big Sunday normally in the month of June, the exact date of which shall be determined by the Fundraising Committee after the consideration of the UBCZ calendar.
b) All monies raised in fundraising on this day shall be send to the NYEC treasurer.
6.5 UBCYF National Day of Prayer
a) There shall be a day set aside annually to be a UBCYF National \day of Prayer, where all members of the UBCYF shall remember in prayer, all leaders within the structure of the UBCYF, from the NYEC down to the LCYC.
b) The date shall be determined by the NYEC and shall be communicated to all groups of the UBCYF at the beginning of the youth year.
7.1 General Provisions and disciplinary measures for all members
a) Local church committees of the UBCYF are responsible for the disciplining of individuals, as all individuals are members of a local church of the UBCZ.
b) Disciplinary matters shall arise from violations of any or part(s) of the constitution of the UBCYF and that of the UBCZ .
c) Matters requiring discipline are to be settled by the LCYC together with their advisors. Measurers that may be taken against individuals include but will not be limited to the following:
1) De-uniforming the individual, if they are uniformed, either for a period of time or permanently depending on circumstances at hand.
2) Prohibiting the individual from being elected into office at local, district, and National level until the disciplinary measure is uplifted.
3) Recommending the removal of the individual from their office if they are in leadership. After the discipline is uplifted the individual is free to be elected into any office.
d) If in the opinion of the LCYC, the matter requires church intervention, the advisors shall approach the church with the recommendation.
e) At all times the LCYC must inform their DYEC of disciplinary cases and the outcomes thereof. The DYEC shall in-turn inform the NYEC in their quarterly reports
7.2 Disciplinary Measurers for Office Bearers
a) Office bearers of the UBCYF are expected as leaders to be exemplary. Therefore the following shall apply in terms of their conduct in office:
1) Where an office bearers fails to attend any three of the schedule meetings without due apology being given before the start of the meeting, he shall be issued with a letter of warning.
2) Should that individual fail to attend one more meeting without due apology, he shall be suspended for three months, to re-instated if he shows repentance and willingness to continue working. Where willingness to continue or repentance or both are not shown, that office shall be declared vacant and elections held to replace in terms of the normal electoral procedures for local and district offices. If this happens at the NYEC or other National Committee level, the NYEC shall appoint an individual to hold that office until the next YNA, where elections shall be held to fill the post.
b) An office bearer who is placed on discipline by the UBCZ or by his UBCYF local church shall cease to hold that office as long they are on discipline. The affected committee may choose to wait for his reinstatement, or where there is need for the position to be occupied, the affected committee may, in the presence of their advisors and pastors declare that office vacant. Elections to fill the office may then be conducted in the normal manner.
c) At all times the superior committee should be notified and involved in the process
8.1 Existing Committees, Assets and Liabilities of the UBCYF
Should the UBCYF for whatever reason cease to exist as a department of the UBCZ, the following shall apply:
a) LCYC shall immediately declare all their monies, property, debtors and creditors to their district committees and shall thereafter be dissolved.
b) District Committees and other National Committees of the UBCYF shall surrender money, assets and liabilities to the NYEC and shall thereafter be dissolved.
c) The NYEC shall in turn surrender all money, assets, and liabilities to the UBCZ through the UBCZ board of trustees, which monies, assets and liabilities will from the date of cessation, fall under the administration of the UBCZ. The NYEC shall also make a record of those monies, assets, liabilities and lodge some record with the board of trustees and the Secretary of the UBCZ. Thereafter the NYEC shall be dissolved.
9.1 Who proposes amendments.
a) UBCYF groups through their districts, shall propose amendments to the constitution provided that more than half the membership of that group is in agreement to the proposal.
b) The NYEC may also propose amendments.
9.2 How they are made
a) Districts shall not later than six months before the next YNA, forward their proposals to the NYEC for consideration, as will as to the Audit committee for them to ensure that the proposal will not be contradictory to any other part of this constitution.
b) If the amendments are passed, then the NYEC shall cause all local church UBCYF groups to receive, through their districts, a copy of the proposed amendment no less than sixty days before the next YNA.
c) Amendments shall be adopted when a three quarter (3/4) majority of the registered voting delegates votes in favour of the proposal at the YNA.
d) Amendments shall come into effect when approved by the National Committee of the UBCZ.
e) Article Three (the Basis of Faith) cannot be amended unless when amended by the whole church.


It is acknowledged that by at the time this constitution comes into effect, some committees would be mid-way through their terms. The aim of this article, Therefore is to regularize the transition of the UBCYF leadership from the previous constitution to this constitution. The following guidelines shall apply:

10.1 General Provisions.
A transitional period of one (1) year from the date of effect of this constitution shall be granted. During this period, individuals and all local and district UBCYF leaderships are expected to obtain copies of this constitution and to familiarise themselves with its provisions and requirements. After the one year, all the parties are expected to be in compliance with the constitution.
10.2 Specific Provisions
The following Specific Provisions shall apply:
a) The National Fundraising Committee shall be appointed in January 2010, to begin a one year term ending 31 December 2010. for the purposes of number of terms in office this term shall not count. A new committee shall be appointed at the YNA of January 2011, to begin a full four year term.
b) the Audit Committee shall be appointed in January 2010
to begin a one year term ending 31 December 2010. for the purpose of number of terms in office this term shall count as one.
A new committee shall be appointed at the YNA of January 2011, to begin a full two (2) year term.
c) The NYEC elected in April 2008 shall cease office at the YNA of January 2010, after serving a term of one year eight months. For the purposes of number of terms in office, this term shall count as one. A new NYEC shall be elected at this YNA to begin a full two year term.
d) All district committees elected April 2008 shall cease office in December 2009, after serving a term of one year eight months. District Committees elected in April 2007 shall hold office until December 2009, completing a term of two years eight months. For the purposes of number of terms in offices both terms shall count as one at the YDA of December 2009, all districts shall elect DYECs to begin a new term in January 2010.
e) All local church youth committees existing shall cease office in December 2009, regardless of when they were appointed. For the purposes of determining an individual’s number of terms in office, this term shall count as one. In December 2009 all local groups of the UBCYF shall conduct elections in terms of this constitution for a new LCYC to begin a two year term in January 2010.
f) He current term of office of the Youth Director expires at the end of April 2009. This term will, until that time, remain the same. Therefore nominations for the post of Youth Director as set out in section 5.3 (b) of this constitution, must come from the Districts to the YNA of April 2009 for election. In terms of section 5.3 (b) the new Director will be appointed to begin office on 1 May 2009 and to hold that office until December 2012, that being a term of three years eight months, which term shall count as one for the purposes of determining the individuals number of terms in office.
10.3 Expiry of This Article
This article will expire on 01 May 2010 and is subject on that date, to automatic deletion from this constitution.